

The main page mockup for the Majestic Lodge website

Majestic Lodge

Redesigning a responsive and user-centered website for a luxury rental property.

three hi-res mobile mockups for the CoinLine app


Designing a user-centered high-score tracking app from start to finish.

A collection of mockups for planner database

Planner Database

Creating a responsive web experience to make finding the perfect planner easier.

an abstract image

Misc Design Work

A collection for small, one-off projects and practice



UX Engineer based in Denver

I've built my full-stack toolkit over the past several years by working as a front-end developer and UI designer in the marketing industry.

Over time, I became more and more enamoured with UX design before quickly incorporating it as the backbone of my work and have never looked back.

Nowadays, I’m using my combined expertise to create stunning interfaces that users want to use and that companies want to build, since they’re created with experience, accessibility, aesthetics, and development in mind.

When I’m not in work-mode, you can find me playing games, reading, or geeking out over stationery and art supplies.

My Toolkit

The specifics

Research & Analysis

User Research

Market Research

User Personas

Journey Maps

Competitive Analysis

Design Elements

Information Hierarchy

Sketch Wireframes

Digital Wireframes

Hi-Fi Prototypes

Dev-ready Mockups

Testing & Development

Usability Testing

Iteration & Retesting

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

JQuery, React


Where to find me